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Writer's pictureJames Scholljegerdes

Board Meeting Minutes – 03/24/2022

Updated: Apr 22, 2022

Channel Inn, 7 pm

Board Members Present: Tim C., Pete D., Keith V., James S., Mel C., Tony L.

Financial Report: Mel reported that the current balance in the CWLA check book is $12,391.41.

Cormorant Shoot: Mel s/w Gary who is our contact with the gov’t. Working through online permit with landowner, Skip Schwartz. Mel stated that Gary confirmed a cost this year of $5300 with a project kill count of 1200 birds. We discussed the idea of also soliciting ‘financial partners’ with our neighboring lakes who also benefit from our cormorant management effort. It was decided we will reach out, attempt to attend an association meeting in person, provide an update of what we have and are doing and then invite the respective association to partner with us by assisting financially with the project. Over the next 30 days, we will connect as follows: Hunt Lake-Keith, Sakatah-Tim C., Cedar-Pete, Roberds-Keith, Mazaska-Pete, French-Keith, Shields-Tony, Circle-Tony.

Membership Renewals: As was determined in January, membership dues will again be $50 for 2022. James will research PayPal and Venmo as payment options. We will look to finalize our renewal process and new member solicitation at our April meeting so we can kick this into high gear at that point; membership year is April 1 to March 31. We discussed the need for not only Email renewal and new solicitation but also utilizing direct mail, neighborhood canvassing (door knocking), Cannon Lake Neighborhood FB page and possibly Membership Awareness nights/announcements at the Channel Inn.

Website Update: James provided an update on his interaction with web designer, Holly. It is felt that the cost to add member login capabilities aren’t justified based on potential benefits. For now, we will continue membership information on our current spreadsheet and evaluate again in the future. Our next meeting, James will give us an overview of the website so we can all become better at utilizing and marketing this tool for our members. In addition, James will research the steps and costs to setting up PayPal and Venmo accounts for CWLA as this would streamline membership payments, sponsorships, fundraising, etc. providing a more current method of payment.

Weed Harvest Project: We will hold for an update on this from Tim M. in April. We are lined up with contractor etc. The importance of balancing weed harvest with water quality was discussed. Too much of either may not be good in the long run. There is a delicate balance here which is why it is critical to seek professional guidance from Rice County, MN DNR, Cannon River Watershed and Blue Water Science.

Membership Directory: James will work with Tim M. on this in the upcoming months.

Friends of the Lake sponsorship opportunities: We will discuss this in April or May. This is a potential nice revenue source for the CWLA and an advertising opportunity for local businesses.

Board Members: The feeling is that 9 is a good number for the Board to remain at. All present have confirmed they are willing to continue at least for the next year. Tim M. has also agreed to continue. Need to confirm with Jay and Brian. It was also discussed that if a current board member prefers to be on a work group/committee vs the board, that is perfectly fine. If this does occur in the near future, we will need to reach out to possible board member candidates before current members transition off. This should provide good continuity as we prepare for transition over the next few years. We should look to identify others who would be a good fit for a board level position. Further discussion on Board Member terms and cycles is needed so we maintain continuity and have seasoned board members remaining as new board members step in.

Committee Development: As a result of our discussion on Board Members, we shared ideas moving forward of the need to develop Committees and/or Task Forces comprised of folks on the lake that wish to be involved. Many hands make lighter work!! A few committees we should look to develop first would be Weed Harvest, Cormorant Management, Fundraising, Membership, Buoy System/Lake Guidance. Please be thinking of and soliciting folks so we can begin to form these work groups.

Blue Water Science Survey: It was unanimously decided to proceed with this survey. This survey will not only serve as a baseline for us moving forward but will also give us a road map for longer term, strategic planning. Tim M and Tony will reach out to Blue Water to get this scheduled as soon as possible.

CWLA Benefit: Per Michele, best available dates for the Channel Inn are June 25, July 9, 16, 23 and August 13. We will look at this during our April and May meetings to finalize dates as well as food/auction items.

Nonprofit Status: Michele and Tim M have both done some leg work on this. The board agreed we should move on this immediately so we can better position CWLA for grants and fundraising.

Additional Fundraising Ideas: As has been discussed in the past, we will look at the possibility of a 15k/5k run/walk/bike. Tim C. has been in conversation with Mark Bongers who may assist with this. Should this be in conjunction with annual benefit?? Tim will invite Mark to join us at our next meeting. Additional ideas brought forth: Gun Raffle, Cash Raffle, Fishing Tourney, Golf Tourney.

Lake Signage Update: Keith is ready on this whenever we give a green light.

LID Update: Tabled for future discussion. Tim M and Tony will continue to research.

Next Meeting: James will host our next Board Meeting at his new home on Monday, April 11 at 6:30 pm. We chose earlier in April as we felt it critical to get the membership renewal and solicitation process started at that time. We will then set our future meeting schedule at that time as well.

Meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:30 pm.

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